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Our network of ships
Since the first Continuous Plankton Recorder was towed by the SS Albatross between Hull, NE England and Bremen, Germany on the 15th September 1931, more than 300 vessels have helped in a voluntary capacity to maintain the Survey.

Plankton are highly sensitive indicators of environmental change and provide essential information on the ecological health of our seas. By monitoring changes and behaviour of these organisms, we are able to advise and educate a multitude of sectors including fisheries, shipping corporations, oil and gas exploration companies, marine policy and ocean science. Such vast impact on the economy, ecology and academia is due to the enduring relationship between CPR Survey and maritime companies.
The CPR Survey is greatly indebted to the Captains and Crews of all the tow ships, their ship owners, management companies, charterers, port staff, stevedores and agents. Their support and participation in our global research is gratefully acknowledged.

Why is this collaboration so important? What are we monitoring?