Claire began working for the CPR Survey in 2003 as a Plankton Analyst and since has combined this role with that of Laboratory Manager. Here she manages each analyst’s workload, plans for future projects and looks after the day-to-day running of the laboratory. She has gained considerable taxonomic experience – identifying phytoplankton and zooplankton from all areas of the Survey including the North Atlantic, South Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Claire projects manages our net caught zooplankton surveys, liaising with various organisations including the Environment Agency, AFBI, Natural Resources Wales, Marine Scotland, Natural England and Isle of Man government to ensure samples are analysed accurately and efficiently and data compiled as requested. As part of this she helps analyse net caught zooplankton samples across the Irish Sea and inshore English waters.
As well as ensuring the analysis programme runs smoothly, she has considerable experience of organising international taxonomic workshops.
Claire is Technical Secretary for the NMBAQC Scheme, developed to provide a source of external quality assurance for organisations and laboratories engaged in producing marine biological data. Further information regarding the NMBAQC Scheme can be found here.
Claire graduated back in 1996 from the University of Plymouth with a BSc (Hons) Environmental Science.