Published Papers

Publications produced by CPR Survey scientists and collaborating researchers using CPR Survey data. 

CPR Survey Staff in bold.
*Associate Researchers/ Research Fellows/ PhD Students

2025 (published and submitted) 

Andres,M., Rossby, T., Firing, E., Flagg, C., Bates, N.R., Hummon, J., Pierrot, D., Noyes, T.J., Enright, M.P., O’Brien, J.K., Hudak, R., Dong, S., Melrose, D.C., Johns, D.G. and Gregory, L. (2025) Monitoring Impacts of the Gulf Stream and its Rings on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf and Slope from the CMV Oleander. Oceanography

Dees, P., Fröb, F., Arellano-Nava, B., Johns, D. G., and Heinze, C. (submitted) A novel multispecies approach for the detection of ecosystem regime shifts – a case study in the North Sea, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2025. 

Holland, M., Artigas, L.F., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Devlin, M., Eerkes-Medrano, D., Johansen, M., Johns, D.G, Machairopoulou, M., Pitois, S., Scott, J., Schilder, J., Stern, R., Tait, K.,  Whyte, C., Widdicombe, C. and McQuatters-Gollop, A. (2025) Mind the gap - the need to integrate novel plankton methods alongside ongoing long-term monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management 

Marchal, P., Giraldo, C., Johns, D.G., Lefebvre, S., Loots, C., and Toomey, L. (2025) Effects of zooplankton abundance on the spawning phenology of winter-spawning Downs herring (Clupea harengus) PLOS ONE 20(2): e0310388. 

2024 (published and submitted)

Furtado, C.I.F., Esquivel-Garrote, O., Gregory, L., Johns, D.G., Huggett, J.A. and Worship, M. (submitted) Zooplankton Distribution Based on Longhurst Provinces in the South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part 1. 

Holland, M., Luis Felipe Artigas; Angus Atkinson; Mike Best; Eileen Bresnan; Michelle Devlin; Dafne Eerkes-Medrano; Marie Johansen; David G. Johns; Margarita Machairopoulou; Sophie Pitois; James Scott; Jos Schilder; Rowena Stern; Karen Tait; Callum Whyte; Claire Widdicombe; Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (accepted) Mind the gap - the need to integrate novel plankton methods alongside ongoing long-term monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management.  

Holland, M., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Devlin, M., Johns, D., Machairopoulou, M., Pitois, S., Scott, J., Stern, R. and Whyte, C., 2024. mNCEA Policy Brief-Mind the Gap–The need to continue long-term plankton monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management

Kléparski, L., Beaugrand, G., Ostle, C., Edwards, M., Skogen, M.D., Djeghri, N. and Hátún, H., 2024. Ocean climate and hydrodynamics drive decadal shifts in Northeast Atlantic dinoflagellates. Global Change Biology, 30(2), p.e17163. 

Kordubel, K., Moller, K.O., Baschek, B., Boersma, M., Hieronymi, M., Johns, D.G., Voynova, Y.G. and Martinez-Rincon, R.O. 2024. Past and present distribution of Noctiluca scintillans in the southern North Sea. Harmful Algae. 138:102699 DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2024.102699 

McQuatters-Gollop, A., Stern, R.F., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Creach, V., Devlin, M., Holland, M., Ostle, C., Schmidt, K. and Sheppard, L., 2024. The silent majority: Pico-and nanoplankton as ecosystem health indicators for marine policy. Ecological Indicators159, p.111650. Volume 159, 2024, 111650, ISSN 1470-160X, 

Marchal, P., Giraldo, C., Johns, D.G., Lefebvre, S., Loots, C., and Toomey, L. (submitted) Effects of zooplankton abundance on the spawning phenology of winter-spawning Downs herring (Clupea harengus) PLOS ONE 

Mengs, G., Stern, R.F., Clarke, J.L., Faith, M. and Medlin, L.K., 2024. Mapping Selected Emergent Marine Toxin-Producing Organisms Using Historical Samples with Two Methods (Biosensors and Real-Time PCR): A Comparison of Resolution. Applied Microbiology4(1), pp.312-328. 

*Price, E., Mahaffey, C., Stern, R., Castellani, C., Jeffreys, R. (2024) Trophic resilience of Calanoid copepods to variation in net primary productivity in the sub-Arctic Atlantic. Glob Change Biol. (submitted) 

Reuman, D., Walter, J., Sheppard, L., Karatayev, V., Kadiyala, E., Lohmann, A., Anderson, T., Coombs, N., Haynes, K., Hallett, L. and Castorani, M., 2024. Insights into spatial synchrony enabled by long-term data. ESS Open Archive eprints, 578, p.57840967.

Sagarminaga, Y., Garcés, E., Francé, J., Stern, R., Revilla, M., Magaletti, E., Bresnan, E., Tsirtsis, G., Jakobsen, H.H. and Sampedro, N., 2024. New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability1.:1298800. 

Stamieszkin, K., Millette, N., Luo, J.Y., Follett, E.M., Record, N.R. and Johns, D.G. (2024) Large protistan mixotrophs in the North Atlantic Continuous Plankton Recorder time series: associated environmental conditions and trends. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol 11 – 2024 

Tyldesley, E., Diack, G., Gillson, J., Banas, N.S., Kennedy, R., Johns, D.G. and Bull, C. (ACCEPTED) Declining zooplankton prey energy for forage fish larvae in the Northeast Atlantic: an indicator for Atlantic salmon marine survival. ICES Journal of Marine Science 


Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)

PlyMSEA is a shared, open access repository where you can find the research output from The Marine Biological Association (MBA) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).  The repository includes: peer-reviewed journal articles, published conference papers, books and book chapters.

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