2025 (published and submitted)
Andres,M., Rossby, T., Firing, E., Flagg, C., Bates, N.R., Hummon, J., Pierrot, D., Noyes, T.J., Enright, M.P., O’Brien, J.K., Hudak, R., Dong, S., Melrose, D.C., Johns, D.G. and Gregory, L. (2025) Monitoring Impacts of the Gulf Stream and its Rings on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf and Slope from the CMV Oleander. Oceanography https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2025e108
Dees, P., Fröb, F., Arellano-Nava, B., Johns, D. G., and Heinze, C. (submitted) A novel multispecies approach for the detection of ecosystem regime shifts – a case study in the North Sea, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2025-470, 2025.
Holland, M., Artigas, L.F., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Devlin, M., Eerkes-Medrano, D., Johansen, M., Johns, D.G, Machairopoulou, M., Pitois, S., Scott, J., Schilder, J., Stern, R., Tait, K., Whyte, C., Widdicombe, C. and McQuatters-Gollop, A. (2025) Mind the gap - the need to integrate novel plankton methods alongside ongoing long-term monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2025.107542
Marchal, P., Giraldo, C., Johns, D.G., Lefebvre, S., Loots, C., and Toomey, L. (2025) Effects of zooplankton abundance on the spawning phenology of winter-spawning Downs herring (Clupea harengus) PLOS ONE 20(2): e0310388. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0310388
2024 (published and submitted)
Furtado, C.I.F., Esquivel-Garrote, O., Gregory, L., Johns, D.G., Huggett, J.A. and Worship, M. (submitted) Zooplankton Distribution Based on Longhurst Provinces in the South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part 1.
Holland, M., Luis Felipe Artigas; Angus Atkinson; Mike Best; Eileen Bresnan; Michelle Devlin; Dafne Eerkes-Medrano; Marie Johansen; David G. Johns; Margarita Machairopoulou; Sophie Pitois; James Scott; Jos Schilder; Rowena Stern; Karen Tait; Callum Whyte; Claire Widdicombe; Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (accepted) Mind the gap - the need to integrate novel plankton methods alongside ongoing long-term monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management.
Holland, M., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Devlin, M., Johns, D., Machairopoulou, M., Pitois, S., Scott, J., Stern, R. and Whyte, C., 2024. mNCEA Policy Brief-Mind the Gap–The need to continue long-term plankton monitoring. Ocean and Coastal Management
Kléparski, L., Beaugrand, G., Ostle, C., Edwards, M., Skogen, M.D., Djeghri, N. and Hátún, H., 2024. Ocean climate and hydrodynamics drive decadal shifts in Northeast Atlantic dinoflagellates. Global Change Biology, 30(2), p.e17163.
Kordubel, K., Moller, K.O., Baschek, B., Boersma, M., Hieronymi, M., Johns, D.G., Voynova, Y.G. and Martinez-Rincon, R.O. 2024. Past and present distribution of Noctiluca scintillans in the southern North Sea. Harmful Algae. 138:102699 DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2024.102699
McQuatters-Gollop, A., Stern, R.F., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Creach, V., Devlin, M., Holland, M., Ostle, C., Schmidt, K. and Sheppard, L., 2024. The silent majority: Pico-and nanoplankton as ecosystem health indicators for marine policy. Ecological Indicators, 159, p.111650. Volume 159, 2024, 111650, ISSN 1470-160X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.111650
Marchal, P., Giraldo, C., Johns, D.G., Lefebvre, S., Loots, C., and Toomey, L. (submitted) Effects of zooplankton abundance on the spawning phenology of winter-spawning Downs herring (Clupea harengus) PLOS ONE
Mengs, G., Stern, R.F., Clarke, J.L., Faith, M. and Medlin, L.K., 2024. Mapping Selected Emergent Marine Toxin-Producing Organisms Using Historical Samples with Two Methods (Biosensors and Real-Time PCR): A Comparison of Resolution. Applied Microbiology, 4(1), pp.312-328. https://doi.org/10.3390/applmicrobiol4010021
*Price, E., Mahaffey, C., Stern, R., Castellani, C., Jeffreys, R. (2024) Trophic resilience of Calanoid copepods to variation in net primary productivity in the sub-Arctic Atlantic. Glob Change Biol. (submitted)
Reuman, D., Walter, J., Sheppard, L., Karatayev, V., Kadiyala, E., Lohmann, A., Anderson, T., Coombs, N., Haynes, K., Hallett, L. and Castorani, M., 2024. Insights into spatial synchrony enabled by long-term data. ESS Open Archive eprints, 578, p.57840967.
Sagarminaga, Y., Garcés, E., Francé, J., Stern, R., Revilla, M., Magaletti, E., Bresnan, E., Tsirtsis, G., Jakobsen, H.H. and Sampedro, N., 2024. New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability, 1.:1298800. https://doi.org/10.3389/focsu.2023.1298800
Stamieszkin, K., Millette, N., Luo, J.Y., Follett, E.M., Record, N.R. and Johns, D.G. (2024) Large protistan mixotrophs in the North Atlantic Continuous Plankton Recorder time series: associated environmental conditions and trends. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol 11 – 2024 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2024.1320046
Tyldesley, E., Diack, G., Gillson, J., Banas, N.S., Kennedy, R., Johns, D.G. and Bull, C. (ACCEPTED) Declining zooplankton prey energy for forage fish larvae in the Northeast Atlantic: an indicator for Atlantic salmon marine survival. ICES Journal of Marine Science
PlyMSEA is a shared, open access repository where you can find the research output from The Marine Biological Association (MBA) and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). The repository includes: peer-reviewed journal articles, published conference papers, books and book chapters.
2023 (published and peer-reviewed)
Belcher, A., Henley, S. F., Hendry, K., Wootton, M., Friberg, L., Dallman, U., Wang, T., Coath, C., and Manno, C.: Seasonal cycles of biogeochemical fluxes in the Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean: a stable isotope approach, Biogeosciences, 20, 3573–3591, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-3573-2023, 2023.
Blöcker, A.M., Sguotti, C. and Möllmann, C. (2023) Discontinuous dynamics in North Sea cod Gadus morhua caused by ecosystem change. MEPS 713: 133-149
Chaabane, Sonia, de Garidel, Thibault, Giraud, Xavier, Schiebel, Ralf, Beaugrand, Gregory, Brummer, Geert-Jan, Casajus, Nicolas, Greco, Mattia, Grigoratou, Maria, Howa, Hélène, Jonkers, Lukas, Kucera, Michal, Kuroyanagi, Azumi, Meilland, Julie, Monteiro, Fanny, Mortyn, Graham, Almogi-Labin Ahuva, Asahi Hirofumi, Avnaim-Katav Simona, Johns D.G.… Ziveri Patrizi (2023) The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminifera from ocean waters. Nature Scientific Data, 10, 354. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02264-2
Djeghri, N., Boyé, A., Ostle, C., Hélaouët, P. (2023) Reinterpreting two regime shifts in North Sea’s plankton communities through the lens of functional traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, 962–975. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13659
Graves, C.A., Best, M., Atkinson, A., Bear, B.4 Bresnan, E, Holland, M., Johns, D.G., Machairopoulou, M., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mellor, A., Ostle, C., Paxman, K., Pitois, S., Tett, P. and Devlin, M. (2023) At what scale should we assess the health of pelagic habitats? Trade-offs between small-scale manageable pressures and the need for regional upscaling. Ecological Indicators. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110571
Holland MM, Louchart A, Artigas LF, Ostle C, Atkinson A, Rombouts I, Graves CA, Devlin M, Heyden B, Machairopoulou M, Bresnan E. Major declines in NE Atlantic plankton contrast with more stable populations in the rapidly warming North Sea. Science of the Total Environment. 2023 Nov 10;898:165505.
Kjesbu, O. S., Alix, M., Sandø, A. B., Strand, E., Wright, P. J., Johns, D. G., Thorsen, A., Marshall, C. T., Bakkeplass, K. G., Vikebø, F. B., Skuggedal Myksvoll, M., Ottersen, G., Allan, B. J. M., Fossheim, M., Stiansen, J. E., Huse, G., & Sundby, S. (2023). Latitudinally distinct stocks of Atlantic cod face fundamentally different biophysical challenges under on-going climate change. Fish and Fisheries, 00, 1– 24. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12728
Kleparski, L.*, Beaugrand, G., Edwards, M. and Ostle, C. (2023) Phytoplankton life strategies, phenological shifts and climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1850-2100. Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16709
Lampitt, R.S., Briggs, N., Cael, B.B., Espinola, B., Hélaouët, P., Henson, P., Norrbin,F., Pebody, C.A. and Smeed, D. (2023). Deep ocean particle flux in the Northeast Atlantic over the past 30 years: Carbon sequestration is controlled by ecosystem structure in the upper ocean. Frontiers in Earth Science, section Biogeoscience. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1176196
Li, K., J. C. Naviaux, S. S. Lingampelly, L. Wang, J. M. Monk, C. M. Taylor, C. Ostle, S. Batten, and R. K. Naviaux. 2023. Historical biomonitoring of pollution trends in the North Pacific using archived samples from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. Science of the Total Environment 865:161222. Elsevier B.V. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161222>.
McEvoy AJ, Atkinson A, Airs RL, Brittain R, Brown I, Fileman ES, Findlay HS, McNeill CL, Ostle C, Smyth TJ, Somerfield PJ. The Western Channel Observatory: a century of oceanographic, chemical and biological data compiled from pelagic and benthic habitats in the Western English Channel. Earth System Science Data Discussions. 2023 Aug 16;2023:1-42.
Uttieri, M.; Anadoli, O.; Banchi, E.; Battuello, M.; Beşiktepe, Ş.; Carotenuto, Y.; Marques, S.C.; de Olazabal, A.; Di Capua, I.; Engell-Sørensen, K.; Wootton, M. et al. (2023). The Distribution of Pseudodiaptomus marinus in European and Neighbouring Waters—A Rolling Review. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 1238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse11061238
Ratnarajah, L., Abu-Alhaija, R., Atkinson, A., Batten, S., Bax, N.J., Bernard, K.S., Canonico, G., Cornils, A., Everett J.D., Grigoratou, M., Ishak, N.H.A., Johns, D.G., Lombard, F., Muxagata, E., Ostle, C., Pitois, S., Richardson, A.J., Schmidt, K., Stemmann, L., Swadling, K.M., Yang, G. and Yebra, L. (2023) Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate. Nat Commun 14, 564 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36241-5
Reuman, D.C., Castorani, M.C., Cavanaugh, K.C., Sheppard, L.W., Walter, J.A. and Bell, T.W., (2023). How environmental drivers of spatial synchrony interact. Ecography, p.e06795. ESSDD - The Western Channel Observatory: a century of oceanographic, chemical and biological data compiled from pelagic and benthic habitats in the Western English Channel (copernicus.org)
Sagarminaga, Y, Garces, E, Francé, J, Stern, R, Revilla, M, Magaletti, E, Bresnan, E, Tsirtsis, G, Jakobsen, HH and Sampedro, N 2023 New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability, 1. doi.org/10.3389/focsu.2023.1298800
Stern, Rowena, Kathryn Picard, Jessica Clarke, Charlotte E. Walker, Claudia Martins, Clare Marshall, Ana Amorim, E. Malcolm S. Woodward, Claire Widdicombe, Glen Tarran, and Martin Edwards. 2023. "Composition and Patterns of Taxa Assemblages in the Western Channel Assessed by 18S Sequencing, Microscopy and Flow Cytometry" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, no. 3: 480. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse11030480. February 2023.
Powell, K., and C. Ostle. (2023). Where I work. Nature 613:406. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00024-1>
Ostle, C 2023 Tracking ocean history through plankton ‘roadkill’. Nature, 613. 406.
Waters, Lori. PICES Press, Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 2023. http://hdl.handle.net/1834/42804
Worship M. Gregory, L. 2023. Campaign Summary Report - Continuous Plankton Recorder deployments along the Brazil and South Africa (BSA) survey line in October 2021. Academia.edu
2022 (published)
Batten, S., Hélaouët, P., Ostle, C. and Walne, A. (2022) Responses of Gulf of Alaska plankton communities during and after a marine heatwave. Deep Sea Research II (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2021.105002
Beaugrand, G., Kléparski, L., Luczak, C., Goberville, E. and Kirby, R., (2022). A new general theory of Island Biogeography. Authorea Preprints. A new general theory of Island Biogeography - Authorea
Castorani, M., Bell, T.W., Walter, J.A., Reuman, D.C. and Sheppard, L.W. Disturbance, Resources, and Climate Interactively Synchronize Kelp Forests Across Scales. Accepted Ecology Letters.. Agu.
Chaabane, Sonia, de Garidel, Thibault, Giraud, Xavier, Schiebel, Ralf, Beaugrand, Gregory, Brummer, Geert-Jan, Casajus, Nicolas, Greco, Mattia, Grigoratou, Maria, Howa, Hélène, Jonkers, Lukas, Kucera, Michal, Kuroyanagi, Azumi, Meilland, Julie, Monteiro, Fanny, Mortyn, Graham, Almogi-Labin Ahuva, Asahi Hirofumi, Avnaim-Katav Simona, Johns D.J.… Ziveri Patrizia. (2022). The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminifera from ocean waters (Version 01) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7390792. Dec 2022.
Colborne, S.F., Sheppard, L.W., O’Donnell, D.R., Reuman, D.C., Walter, J.A., Singer, G.P., Kelly, J.T., Thomas, M.J. and Rypel, A.L., 2021. Intraspecific variation in migration timing of green sturgeon in the Sacramento River system. Ecosphere (2022) 13:e4139 https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4139
Edwards, M., Beaugrand, G., Kleparski, L.*, Hélaouët, P., and Reid, P.C. 2022 Climate variability and multi-decadal diatom abundance in the Northeast Atlantic. Communications Earth & Environment https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00492-9
Espinasse, B., Sturbois, A., Basedow, S.L., Helaouet, P., Johns, D.G., Newton, J. and Trueman C.N. 2022. Temporal dynamics in zooplankton δ13C and δ15N isoscapes for the North Atlantic Ocean: Decadal cycles, seasonality and implications for predator ecology. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 986082. (doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.986082)
García-Carreras, B., Yang, B., Grabowski, M.K., Sheppard, L.W., Huang, A.,T., Salje, H., Clapham, H.E., Iamsirithaworn, S., Doung-Ngern, P., Lessler, J., Cummings, D.A.T. Periodic synchronisation of dengue epidemics in Thailand over the last 5 decades driven by temperature and immunity. PLOS Biology (2022). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001160
Giering, S.L.C., Culverhouse, P.F., Johns, D.G., McQuatters-Gollop, A. and Pitois, S.G. 2022. Are plankton nets a thing of the past? An assessment of in situ imaging of zooplankton for large-scale ecosystem assessment and policy decision-making. Frontiers in Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.986206
Grigoratou, M., Montes, E., Richardson, A.J., Everett, J.D., Acevedo-Trejos, E., Anderson, C., Chen, B., Guy-Haim, T., Hinners, J., Lindemann, C., Garcia, T.M., Möller, K.O., Monteiro, F.M., Neeley, A.R., O'Brien, T.D., Palacz, A.P., Poulton, A.J., Prowe, A.E.F., Rodríguez-Santiago, Á.E., Rousseaux, C.S., Runge, J., Saad, J.F., Santi, I., Stern, R., Soccodato, A., Våge, S., Vogt, M., Zervoudaki, S. and Muller-Karger, F.E. (2022), The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 31: 22-26. https://doi.org/10.1002/lob.10479.
Kleparski, L.* and Beaugrand, G. (2022) The species chromatogram, a new graphical method to represent, characterize and compare the ecological niches of different species. Ecology and Evolution 2022; 12:e8830, https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8830
Kleparski, L.*, Beaugrand, G., and Kirby, R.R. (2022) How do plankton species coexist in an apparently unstructured environment? Biology Letters 18:20220207.https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0207
Kleparski, L.*, Beaugrand, G., Edwards, M., Schmitt, F., Kirby, R.R., Breton, E., Gevaert, F. and Maniez, E. (2022) Morphological traits, niche-environment interaction and temporal changes in diatoms. Prog in Oceanog, 201 (2022) 102747 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102747
Leinen, M., Chavez, F., Meyer, M., Buttigieg, P.L., Davies, N., Casotti, R. and Fischer,A. (2022). The Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network (OBON). Marine Technology Society Journal, 3: 106. https://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.56.3.20
Liszka, C.M., Thorpe, S.E., Wootton, M., Fielding, S., Murphy, E.J. and Tarling, G.A. (2022) Plankton and nekton community structure in the vicinity of the South Sandwich Islands (Southern Ocean) and the influence of environmental factors,
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. ISSN 0967-0645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105073. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967064522000583)
Lyashevska, O., Brophy, D., Wing, S., Johns, D.G., Haberlin, D. and Doyle, T. (2022) Evidence of a range expansion in sunfish from 47 years of coastal sightings . Marine Biology 169: 20(2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-021-04005-8
Olin, A.B., Banas, N.S., Johns, D.G., Heath, M.R., Wright, P.J. and Nager, R.G. (2022) Spatio-temporal variation in the zooplankton prey of lesser sandeels: species and community trait patterns from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. ICES Journal of Marine Science. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsac101
Ostle, C., P. Landschutzer, M. Edwards, M. Johnson, S. Schmidtko, U. Schuster, A. J. Watson, and C. Robinson. (2022) Multidecadal changes in biology influence the variability of the North Atlantic carbon sink. Environmental Research Letters. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac9ecf
Price, E., Jeffries, R., Mahaffey, C., Stern, R., Castellani, C. (2022) Sensitivity of plankton assemblages to hydroclimate variability in the Barents Sea (in submission). Biogeosciences (in review). https://bg.copernicus.org/preprints/bg-2021-279/
Shoemaker, L., Hallett, L., Zhao, L., Reuman, D., Wang, S., Cottingham, K., Hobbs, R., Castorani, M., Downing, A., Dudney, J., Fey, S., Gherardi, L., Lany, N., Portales‐Reyes, C., Rypel, A., Sheppard, L.W., Walter, J., Suding, K. (2022). The long and the short of it: Mechanisms of synchronous and compensatory dynamics across temporal scales. Ecology. 10.1002/ecy.3650.
Tarling, G.A., Belcher, A., Blackwell, M., Castellani, C., Cook, K.B., Cottier, F.R., Dewar-Fowler, V., Freer, J.J., Gerrish, L., Johnson, M.L., Last, K.S., Lindeque, P.K., Mayor, D.J., Parry, H.E., Stowasser, G., Wootton, M. 2022. Carbon and Lipid Contents of the Copepod Calanus finmarchicus Entering Diapause in the Fram Strait and Their Contribution to the Boreal and Arctic Lipid Pump. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI=10.3389/fmars.2022.926462
Turner, A., Ostle, C. and Wootton, M. (2022) Science of the Total Environment Occurrence and chemical characteristics of microplastic paint flakes in the North Atlantic Ocean, Sci. Total Environ., 806, 150375, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150375.
Valdes, L., Lopez-Urrutia, A., Beaugrand, G., Harris, R.P. and Irigoien, X. 2022. Seasonality and interannual variability of copepods in the Western English Channel, Celtic Sea, Bay of Biscay, and Cantabrian Sea with a special emphasis to Calanus helgolandicus and Acartia clausi. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2022,0, 1-14 DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac052
Jonathan A Walter, Max CN Castorani, Tom W Bell, Lawrence W Sheppard, Kyle C Cavanaugh, Daniel C Reuman. (2022) Tail‐dependent spatial synchrony arises from nonlinear driver–response relationships. Ecology Letters 25 (5), 1189-1201 https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13991
Bass, D., Cleary, A.C., Huys, R., Rueckert, S., Taylor, J.D., Ward, G.M., Stern, R.(2021). The symbiome of copepods: Parasites, pathogens, and hitchhikers of abundant aquatic ecosystem engineers. Trends in Parasitology Reviews (in review).
Batten, S., Helaouet, P., Ostle, C. and Walne, A. Responses of Gulf of Alaska plankton communities during and after a marine heatwave. Deep Sea Research II (submitted).
Campbell, M.D., Schoeman, D.S., Venables, W., Abu-Alhaija, R., Batten, S.D., Chiba, S., Coman, F., Davies, C.H., Edwards, M., Eriksen, R., Everett, J.D., Fukai, Y., Fukuchi, M., Esquivel Garrote, O., Hosie, G., Huggett, J., Johns, D.G., Kitchener, J.A., Koubbi, P., McEnnulty, F.R., Muxagata, E., Ostle, C., Robinson, K.V., Slotwinski, A., Swadling, K.M., Takahashi, K.T., Tonks, M., Uribe-Palomino, J., Verheye, H.M., Wilson, W.H., Worship, M., Yamaguchi, A., Zhang, W. and Richardson, A.J. Testing Bergmann’s Rule in marine copepods (2021). Ecography, 44 (9):1283-1295
Caracciolo, M., Beaugrand, G., Hélaouët, P., Gevaert, F., Edwards, M., Lizon, F., Kléparski, L.*, Goberville, E.*, (2021) Annual phytoplankton succession results from niche-environment interaction, Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 85–102 https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbaa060
Deldicq, N., Langlet, D., Delaeter, C. Beaugrand*, G., Seuront, L. & Bouchet, V.M.P. (2021), Effects of temperature on the behaviour and metabolism of an intertidal foraminifera and consequences for benthic ecosystem functioning. Sci Rep 11, 4013. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83311-z
Druon, J-N., Gascuel, D., Gibin, M., Zanzi, A., Fromentin, J-M., Colloca, F., Hélaouët, P., ... Jann Martinsohn, J. (2021). Mesoscale productivity fronts and local fishing opportunities in the European Seas. Fish and Fisheries. Journal: Fish and Fisheries.
Druon, J-N, Mangin, A, Hélaouët, P, Palialexis, A. (2021). The chlorophyll-a gradient as primary Earth observation index of marine ecosystem feeding capacity. 2021. CMEMS, Journal of Operational Oceanography OSR5.
Edwards, M, Hélaouët, P, Goberville, E.*, Lindley, A.*, Atkinson, A, Tarlin, G. (2021). Widespread decline in krill and habitat shrinkage in a warming North Atlantic Ocean. Commun Biol 4, 644 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02159-1
Gao, S., Hjollo, S.S., Falkenhaug, T., Strand, E., Edwards, M. and Skogen, M. (2021) Overwintering distribution, inflow patterns and sustainability of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea. Prog in Oceanog. 194: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102567
Olav Sigurd Kjesbu, Anne Britt Sandø, Espen Strand, Maud Alix, Peter J. Wright, David G. Johns, Anders Thorsen, C. Tara Marshall, Kjell Bakkeplass, Frode B. Vikebø, Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll, Geir Ottersen, Bridie J. M. Allan,, Maria Fossheim, Jan Erik Stiansen, Geir Huse, Svein Sundby. (in review) Atlantic cod face reproductive failure in the south and extreme spawning migrations in the north (GCB)
Kleparski, L.*, Beaugrand, G. and Edwards, M. (2021) Plankton biogeography in the North Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas: Species assemblages and environmental signatures. Ecology and Evolution, 2021;00:1–15. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7406
Meyer-Gutbrod, E., Greene, C., Davies, K. and Johns, D.G. (2021) Ocean regime shift drives collapse of the endangered North Atlantic right whale population. Oceanography, 34 (3):22-31
McGinty, N., Barton, A., Johns, D.G., Finkel, Z. and Irwin, A. (2021) Niche conservation in copepods between ocean basins. Ecography https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15499
Agnes B. Olin, Neil S. Banas, David G. Johns, Michael R. Heath, Peter J. Wright, Ruedi G. Nager (in review) Spatio-temporal variation in the zooplankton prey of lesser sandeels: species and community trait patterns from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (ICES JMS)
Ostle, C., Paxman, K., Graves, C. A., Arnold, M., Artigas, F., Atkinson, A., Aubert, A., Baptie, M., Bear, B., *Bedford, J., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Brittain, R., Broughton, D., Budria, A., Cook, K., Devlin, M., Graham, G., Halliday, N., Helaouet, P., Johansen, M., Johns, D. G., Lear, D., Machairopoulou, M., McKinney, A., Mellor, A., Milligan, A., Pitois, S., Rombouts, I., Scherer, C., Tett, P., Widdicombe, C., and McQuattors-Gollop, A.: The Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool: A digital tool to increase the discoverability and usability of plankton time-series data, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2021-171, in review, 2021.
Stern, R., Chapter Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey (2021).In Phytoplankton Ecology. Ed: Clementson, L. and Erickson R). Elsevier (submitted)
Tarling, G.A., Freer, J.J., Banas, N.S. Belcher, A., Blackwell, M., Castellani, C., Cook, K.B., Cottier, F.R., Daase, M., Johnson, M.L., Last, K.S., Lindequeue, P.K., Mayor, D.J., Mitchell, E., Parry, H.E., Speirs, D.C., Stowasswe, G., Wootton, M. Can a key boreal Calanus copepod species now complete its life-cycle in the Arctic? Evidence and implications for Arctic food-webs. Ambio (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01667-y
Taylor, M, Akimova, A, Bracher, A Kempf, A Kühn, N, Hélaouët, P. Using dynamic ocean color provinces to elucidate drivers of North Sea hydrography and ecology. Submitted, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans.
Thompson, M, Pontalier, H, Spence, MA, Pinnegar, JK, Greenstreet, S, Moriarty, M, Hélaouët, P, Lynam, C. (2020). A feeding guild indicator to assess environmental change impacts on marine ecosystem structure and functioning. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Turner, A., Ostle, C. and Wootton, M.: Science of the Total Environment Occurrence and chemical characteristics of microplastic paint flakes in the North Atlantic Ocean, Sci. Total Environ., 806, 150375, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150375, 2021.
Vezzulli, L., Olivieri, C., Borello, A., Gregory, L. Kimirei, I….Stern, R….Plisnier, P-D. (2021) Aquatic reservoir of Vibrio cholerae in an African Great Lake assessed by large scale plankton sampling and ultrasensitive molecular methods. ISME communications (submitted).
Peer-reviewed Publications
Allen, S., Henson, S., Hickman, A., Beaulieu, C., Doncaster, P.C. and Johns, D.G. (2020) Interannual stability of phytoplankton community composition in the North East Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 655: 43-57 https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13515
*Bedford, J., Johns, D. G., & McQuatters-Gollop, A. (2020). Implications of taxon-level variation in climate change response for interpreting plankton lifeform biodiversity indicators. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(7-8), 3006-3015.
*Bedford, J., Ostle, C., Johns, D.G., Budria, A., and McQuatters-Gollop, A. 2020. The influence of temporal scale selection on pelagic habitat biodiversity indicators. Ecological Indicators doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106311
*Bedford, J., Ostle, C., Johns, D.G., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Machairopoulou, M., Graves, C.A., Devlin, M., Milligan, A., Pitois, S., Mellor, A., Tett, P. and McQuatters-Gollop, A. In press. Lifeform indicators reveal large-scale shifts in plankton across the North-West European shelf. Global change biology, 26(6), 3482-3497.
Campbell, M., Edwards, M., *Hosie, G., Johns, D., Ostle, C. and Wilson, W., et al., Testing Bergmann’s Rule in marine copepods (2020), https://d197for5662m48.cloudfront.net/documents/publicationstatus/49565/preprint_pdf/dc087cc31cfe3e7423249e23ce34c2cf.pdf
Chivers W., Edwards, M and *Hays, G.C. (2020). Phenological shuffling of major marine phytoplankton groups over the last six decades. Diversity and Distributions, 1-13.
Faktorová, D., Nisbet, R.E.R., Fernández Robledo, J.A. Stern R., et al. Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nat Methods 17, 481–494 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-020-0796-x
Lear, D., Herman, P., Van Hoey, G., Schepers, L., Tonné, N., Lipizer ,M., Muller-Karger, F.E., Appeltans, W., Kissling, W.D., Holdsworth, N Edwards, M., Pecceu, E., Nygård, H., Canonico, G., Birchenough, S Graham, G., Deneudt, K Claus, P. Oset., P. 2020. Supporting the essential – recommendations for the development of accessible and interoperable biological data products. Marine Policy, 117.
Lindegren, M., Rindorf, A.,Norin, T., Johns, D.G. and van Deurs, M., Climate- and density-dependent regulation of fish growth throughout ontogeny: North Sea sprat as a case study, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsaa218, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa218
Litzow, M. A. Hunsicker, M.E., Ward, E.J., Anderson, S.C., Gao, J., Zador, S.G., Batten, S., Dressel, S.C., Duffy-Anderson, J., Fergusson, E., Hopcroft,, R.R., Laurel, B.J., O'Malley, R. (2020). Evaluating ecosystem change as Gulf of Alaska temperature exceeds the limits of preindustrial variability, Progress in Oceanography, 186,102393, ISSN 0079-6611 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102393.
McGinty. N., Barton, A., Record, N., Finkel, Z., Johns, D.G. and Irwin, A.J. (2020). Anthropogenic climate change impacts on copepod trait biogeography. Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15499
Montero, J.T., Lima, M., Estay, S.A. and Rezendem E.L., 2020 . Spatial and temporal shift in the factors affecting the population dynamics of Calanus copepods in the North Sea. Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15394
Murray S. A. Thompson, Hugo Pontalier, Michael A. Spence, John K. Pinnegar, Simon P. R. Greenstreet, Meadhbh Moriarty, Pierre Hélaouët, Christopher P. Lynam. 2020. A feeding guild indicator to assess environmental change impacts on marine ecosystem structure and functioning. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13662
Schmidt, K., Birchill, A.J., Atkinson, A., Brewin, R.J., Clark, J.R., Hickman, A.E., Johns, D.G., Lohan, M.C., Milne, A., Pardo, S., Polimene, L., Smyth, T.J., Tarran, G.A., Widdicombe, C.E., Woodward, M.S., Ussher, S.J. 2020 Increasing picocyanobacteria success in shelf waters contributes to long‐term food web degradation. Global Change Biology, DOI:10.1111/gcb.15161
Strand E., Bagøien, E, Edwards, M., Broms, C & Klevjer, T. 2020. Spatial distributions and seasonal succession of four Calanus species in the Northeast Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 185: 102334
Thompson, M, Pontalier, H, Spence, MA, Pinnegar, JK, Greenstreet, S, Moriarty, M, Hélaouët, P, Lynam, C. (2020). A feeding guild indicator to assess environmental change impacts on marine ecosystem structure and functioning. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Uttieri, M., L. Aguzzi, R. Aiese Cigliano, A. Amato, N. Bojanić, M. Brunetta, E. Camatti, Y. Carotenuto, T. Damjanović, F. Delpy, A. de Olazabal, I. Di Capua, J. Falcão, M. L. Fernandez de Puelles, G. Foti, O. Garbazey, A. Goruppi, A. Gubanova, E. Hubareva, A. Iriarte, A. Khanaychenko, D. Lučić, S. C. Marques, M. G. Mazzocchi, J. Mikuš, R. Minutoli, M. Pagano, M. Pansera, I. Percopo, A. L. Primo, L. Svetlichny, S. Rožić, V. Tirelli, I. Uriarte, O. Vidjak, F. Villate, M. Wootton, G. Zagami and S. Zervoudaki (2020). "WGEUROBUS – Working Group “Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus”." Biological Invasions 22(3): 885-906. DOI 10.1007/s10530-019-02174-8
Zäncker, B., Stern, R., Price, E., Cunliffe, M. (2020) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in the Arctic Ocean With the Power of Microbes. Frontiers for Young Minds. https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.00090
Publications produced by CPR Survey scientists and collaborating researchers using CPR Survey data.
CPR Survey Staff in bold. *Associate Researchers/ Research Fellows/ PhD Students
Allen*, S.R. (2019) Long-Term Trends and Variability of North Atlantic Phytoplankton Populations. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis, 156pp.
Batten, S. D., Abu-Alhaija, R., Chiba, S., Edwards, M., Graham, G., Jyothibabu, R., Kitchener, J.A., Koubbi, P., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Muxagata, E., Ostle, C., Richardson, A.J., Robinson, K.V., Takahashi, K.T., Verheye, H.M. and Wilson, W. (2019) A Global Plankton Diversity Monitoring Program. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:321
Bax, N.J., Miloslavich, P., Muller-Karger, F.E., Allain, V., Appeltans, W., Batten, S.D., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Buttigieg, P.L., Chiba, S., Costa, D.P., Duffy, F.E., Dunn, D.C., Johnson, C.R., Kudela, R.M., Obura, D., Rebelo, L.M., Shin, Y.J., Simmons, S.E. and Tyack, P.L. (2019) A response to scientific and societal needs for marine biological observations. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:395
Beaugrand*, G., Conversi, A., Atkinson, A., Cloern, J., Chiba, S., Fonda-Umani, S., Kirby, R.R., Greene, C.H., Goberville, E., Otto, S.A., Reid, P.C., Stemmann, L., Sugisaki, H. and Edwards, M. (2019) Prediction of unprecedented biological shifts in the global ocean. Nature Climate Change, 9: 237-243
Beaugrand*,G., Hélaouët, P., Edwards,M. (2019) An ecological partition of the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas. Progress in Oceanography, 173,86-102
Bedford*, J., Johns, D.G., Attrill, M. and McQuatters-Gollop, A. (2019) A century of change in North Sea plankton communities explored through integrating historical datasets. ICES Journal mar sci 76 (1): 104-112
Beukhof, E., Dencker, T.S., Pecuchet, L. and Lindegren, M. (2019) Saptio-temporal variation in marine fish traits reveals community-wide responses to environmental change. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 610, 205-222
Brun, P., Stamieszkin, K., Visser, A.W., Licandro, P., Payne, M.R. and Kiorboe, T. (2019) Climate change has altered zooplankton-fuelled carbon export in the North Atlantic. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3, 416-423
Burrows, M., Bates A.M, Costello, M.J., Edwards, M., Edgar, G., Fox, C., Benjamin Halpern, B.J., Hiddink, J., Pinsky, M.L., Batt, R.D., Molinos, J.C., Payne, B., Schoeman, D., Stuart-Smith, R.D. and Poloczanska. E. (2019). Consistent responses of fish and plankton communities to ocean warming predicted from species thermal traits. Nature Climate change, 9: 959–963
deYoung, B., Visbeck, M., Araujo, M., Baringer, M., Black, C.A., Buch, E., Canonico-Hyde, G., Coelho, P., Duhá, J.T., Edwards, M., Fischer, A., Fritz, J-S., Ketelhake, S., Muelbert, J-H., Monteiro, P., Nolan, G., O’Rourke, E.,. Ott, M. and Le Traon , P.Y.(2019). BluePrint Vision for an Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System in 2030. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:428
Druon, J.N., Hélaouët, P., Beaugrand*, G., Fromentin, J.M., Palialexis, A., Hoepffner, N. (2019) Satellite-based indicator of zooplankton distribution for global monitoring. Scientific Reports, 9, 4732.
Edwards, M., Helaouet, P., Ostle, C., Wooton, M., Strand, E & Bagoien, E. 2019. Svalbard and Nordic Sea plankton monitoring by the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. In: Orr et al (eds) (2019): Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, Longyearbyen. ISSN 2535-632
Espinasse, B., Hunt, B.P.V., Batten, S.D. and Pakhomov, E.A. (2019) Defining isoscapes in the Northeast Pacific as an index of ocean productivity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2019,00:1-16
Estrella-Martinez, J., Schone, B.R., Thurstan, R.H., Capuzzo, E., Scourse, J.D. and Butler, P.G. (2019) Reconstruction of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) recruitment in the North Sea for the past 455 years based on the δ13C from annual shell increments of the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica). Fish and Fisheries, 20 (3), 537-551
Evans, L.E., Hirst, A.G., Kratina, P. and Beaugrand*, G., (2019) Temperature‐mediated changes in zooplankton body size: large scale temporal and spatial analysis. Ecography https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.04631
Lombard F, Boss E, Waite AM, Vogt M, Uitz J, Stemmann L, Sosik HM, Schulz J, Romagnan J-B, Picheral M, Pearlman J, Ohman MD, Niehoff B, Möller KO, Miloslavich P, Lara-Lpez A, Kudela R, Lopes RM, Kiko R, Karp-Boss L, Jaffe JS,
Iversen MH, Irisson J-O, Fennel K, Hauss H, Guidi L, Gorsky G, Giering SLC, Gaube P, Gallager S, Dubelaar G, Cowen RK, Carlotti F, Briseño-Avena C, Berline L, Benoit-Bird K, Bax N, Batten S, Ayata SD, Artigas LF and Appeltans W (2019) Globally Consistent
Quantitative Observations of Planktonic Ecosystems. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:196.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00196
Mcquatters-gollop A., Atkinson, A., Aubert, A., Bedford*, J., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Cook, K., Devlin, M., Gowen, R., Johns, D.G., Machairopoulou, M., Mckinney, A., Mellor, A., Ostle, C., Scherer, C. and Tett, P. (2019) Plankton lifeforms as a biodiversity indicator for regional-scale assessment of pelagic habitats for policy. Ecological Indicators. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.02.010.
Opdal, A.F., Lindemann, C. and Aksnes, D.L. (2019) Centennial decline in North Sea water clarity causes strong delay in phytoplankton bloom timing. Global Change Biology, 25, 3946-3953
Osman, M. B., Das, S. B., Trusel, L. D., Evans, M. J., Fischer, H., Grieman, M. M., Kipfstuhl, S., McConnell, J.R. and Saltzman, E. S. (2019). Industrial-era decline in subarctic Atlantic productivity. Nature, 569: 551-555
Ostle, C., Thompson, R. C., Broughton, D., Gregory, L., Wootton, M. and Johns, D. G. (2019). The rise in ocean plastics evidenced from a 60-year time series. Nature Communications, (2019), 1–6.
Reynolds, D.J., Hall, I.R., and Slater, S.M. (2019) An integrated carbon and oxygen isotope approach to reconstructing past environmental variability in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 523, 48-61
Righetti, D., Vogt, M., Gruber, N., Psomas, A. and Zimmermann, N. E. (2019). Global pattern of phytoplankton diversity driven by temperature and environmental variability. Science Advances, (May), 1–11.
Righetti, D., Vogt, M., Zimmermann, N. E. and Gruber, N. (2019). PHYTOBASE: A global synthesis of open ocean phytoplankton occurrences. Earth System Science Data, 904397(October), 1–39.
Sheehan, E.V., Hosegood, P., Game, C.A., Attrill, M.J., Tickler, D., Wootton, M., Johns, D.G. and Meeuwig, J.J. (2019) The Effect of Deep Oceanic Flushing on Water Properties and Ecosystem Functioning Within Atolls in the British Indian Ocean Territory. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:512. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00512
Zhao, L., Sheppard, L.W., Reid, P.C., Walter, J.A. and Reuman, D.C. (2019) Proximate determinants of Taylor's law slopes. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88 (3), 484-494
Publications produced by CPR Survey scientists and collaborating researchers using CPR Survey data.
CPR Survey Staff in bold. *Associate Researchers/ Research Fellows/ PhD Students
*Bedford, J., D. G. Johns, S. Greenstreet and A. McQuatters-Gollop (2018). "Plankton as prevailing conditions: a surveillance role for plankton indicators within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive." Marine Policy 89: 109-115.
*Chiba, S., S. Batten, C. S. Martin, S. Ivory, P. Miloslavich and L. V. Weatherdon (2018). "Zooplankton monitoring to contribute towards addressing global biodiversity conservation challenges." Journal of plankton research 40(5): 509-518.
Batten, S. D., D. E. *Raitsos, S. Danielson, R. Hopcroft, K. Coyle and A. McQuatters-Gollop (2018). "Interannual variability in lower trophic levels on the Alaskan Shelf." Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 147: 58-68.
Batten, S. D., G. T. Ruggerone and I. Ortiz (2018). "Pink salmon induce a trophic cascade in plankton populations in the southern Bering Sea and around the Aleutian Islands." Fisheries Oceanography.
Beaugrand, G. and R. R. Kirby (2018). "How Do Marine Pelagic Species Respond to Climate Change? Theories and Observations." Annual Review of Marine Science 10(1): 169-197.
Bonitz, F. G. W., C. Andersson, T. Trofimova and H. Hátún (2018). "Links between phytoplankton dynamics and shell growth of Arctica islandica on the Faroe Shelf." Journal of Marine Systems 179: 72-87.
Boss, E., A. Waite, F. Muller-Karger, H. Yamazaki, R. Wanninkhof, J. Uitz, S. Thomalla, H. Sosik, B. Sloyan and A. Richardson (2018). "Beyond Chlorophyll Fluorescence: The Time is Right to Expand Biological Measurements in Ocean Observing Programs." Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin.
Burns, F., M. Eaton, D. Hayhow, C. Outhwaite, N. Al Fulaij, T. August, K. Boughey, T. Brereton, A. Brown and D. Bullock (2018). "An assessment of the state of nature in the United Kingdom: A review of findings, methods and impact." Ecological Indicators 94: 226-236.
Di Cesare, A., S. Petrin, D. Fontaneto, C. Losasso, E. M. Eckert, G. Tassistro, A. Borello, A. Ricci, W. H. Wilson and C. Pruzzo (2018). "ddPCR applied on archived Continuous Plankton Recorder samples reveals long‐term occurrence of class 1 integrons and a sulphonamide resistance gene in marine plankton communities." Environmental microbiology reports 10(4): 458-464.
Fowler, A. M., A. M. Jørgensen, J. C. Svendsen, P. I. Macreadie, D. O. Jones, A. R. Boon, D. J. Booth, R. Brabant, E. Callahan and J. T. Claisse (2018). "Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Hartman, S. E., M. P. Humphreys, C. Kivimäe, E. M. S. Woodward, V. Kitidis, T. McGrath, D. J. Hydes, N. Greenwood, T. Hull, C. Ostle, D. J. Pearce, D. Sivyer, B. M. Stewart, P. Walsham, S. C. Painter, E. McGovern, C. Harris, A. Griffiths, A. Smilenova, J. Clarke, C. Davis, R. Sanders and P. Nightingale (2018). "Seasonality and spatial heterogeneity of the surface ocean carbonate system in the northwest European continental shelf." Progress in Oceanography.
Miloslavich, P., N. J. Bax, S. E. Simmons, E. Klein, W. Appeltans, O. Aburto‐Oropeza, M. Andersen Garcia, S. D. Batten, L. Benedetti‐Cecchi and D. M. Checkley Jr (2018). "Essential ocean variables for global sustained observations of biodiversity and ecosystem changes." Global Change Biology 24(6): 2416-2433.
Record, N. R., R. Ji, F. Maps, Ø. Varpe, J. A. Runge, C. M. Petrik and D. Johns (2018). "Copepod diapause and the biogeography of the marine lipidscape." Journal of Biogeography.
Stern, R., A. *Kraberg, E. Bresnan, W. H. Kooistra, C. Lovejoy, M. Montresor, X. A. G. Morán, F. Not, R. Salas and R. Siano (2018). "Molecular analyses of protists in long-term observation programmes—current status and future perspectives." Journal of Plankton Research 40(5): 519-536.
Brown, T., D. D. Kelly, S. Vercauteren, W. H. Wilson and A. Werner (2017). "How Biobanks Are Assessing and Measuring Their Financial Sustainability." Biopreservation and Biobanking 15(1): 65-71.
Capuzzo, E., C. P. Lynam, J. Barry, D. Stephens, R. M. Forster, N. Greenwood, A. McQuatters-Gollop, T. Silva, S. M. van Leeuwen and G. H. Engelhard (2017). "A decline in primary production in the North Sea over 25 years, associated with reductions in zooplankton abundance and fish stock recruitment." Global Change Biology: 1-13.
Chivers, W. J., A. W. Walne and G. C. Hays (2017). "Mismatch between marine plankton range movements and the velocity of climate change." Nature Communications 8(14434).
Clare, D. S., M. Spencer, L. A. Robinson and C. L. Frid (2017). "Explaining ecological shifts: the roles of temperature and primary production in the long‐term dynamics of benthic faunal composition." Oikos 126(8): 1123-1133.
Dees, P., E. Bresnan, A. C. Dale, M. Edwards, D. G. Johns, B. Mouat, C. Whyte and K. Davidson (2017). "Harmful algal blooms in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(46): E9763-E9764.
Dencker, T. S., L. Pecuchet, E. Beukhof, K. Richardson, M. R. Payne and M. Lindegren (2017). "Temporal and spatial differences between taxonomic and trait biodiversity in a large marine ecosystem: Causes and consequences." PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189731.
dos Santos Schmidt, T. C., A. Slotte, J. Kennedy, S. Sundby, A. Johannessen, G. J. Óskarsson, Y. Kurita, N. C. Stenseth and O. S. Kjesbu (2017). "Oogenesis and reproductive investment of Atlantic herring are functions of not only present but long-ago environmental influences as well." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(10): 2634-2639.
Evans, C., J. Brandsma, D. W. Pond, H. J. Venables, M. P. Meredith, H. J. Witte, S. Stammerjohn, W. H. Wilson, A. Clarke and C. P. Brussaard (2017). "Drivers of interannual variability in virioplankton abundance at the coastal Western Antarctic Peninsula and the potential effects of climate change." Environmental Microbiology 19(2): 740-755.
Everett, J. D., M. E. Baird, P. Buchanan, C. Bulman, C. Davies, R. Downie, C. Griffiths, R. Heneghan, R. J. Kloser, L. Laiolo, A. Lara-Lopez, H. Lozano-Montes, R. J. Matear, F. McEnnulty, B. Robson, W. Rochester, J. Skerratt, J. A. Smith, J. Strzelecki, I. M. Suthers, K. M. Swadling, P. van Ruth and A. J. Richardson (2017). "Modeling What We Sample and Sampling What We Model: Challenges for Zooplankton Model Assessment." Frontiers in Marine Science 4(77).
Fu, C., N. Olsen, N. Taylor, A. Grüss, S. Batten, H. Liu, P. Verley, Y.-J. Shin and H. e. J. Link (2017). "Spatial and temporal dynamics of predator-prey species interactions off western Canada." ICES Journal of Marine Science 74(8): 2107-2119.
Giering, S. L. C., R. Sanders, A. P. Martin, S. A. Henson, J. S. Riley, C. M. Marsay and D. G. Johns (2017). "Particle flux in the oceans: Challenging the steady state assumption." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31(1): 159-171.
Giron-Nava, A., C. C. James, A. F. Johnson, D. Dannecker, B. Kolody, A. Lee, M. Nagarkar, G. M. Pao, H. Ye and D. G. Johns (2017). "Quantitative argument for long-term ecological monitoring." Marine Ecology Progress Series 572: 269-274.
Howells, R. J., S. J. Burthe, S. O. Green, M. P. Harris, M. A. Newell, A. Butler, D. G. Johns, E. J. Carnell, S. Wanless and F. Daunt (2017). "From days to decades: short- and long-term variation in environmental conditions affect offspring diet composition of a marine top predator." Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 227-242.
Holm, M. W., T. Kiørboe, P. Brun, P. Licandro, R. Almeda and B. W. Hansen (2017). "Resting eggs in free living marine and estuarine copepods." Journal of Plankton Research: 1-14.
Hoppenrath, M., N. Yubuki, R. Stern and B. S. Leander (2017). "Ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic position of a new marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from British Columbia, Canada: Pseudadenoides polypyrenoides sp. nov.(Dinophyceae)." European Journal of Phycology 52(2): 208-224.
Howells, R. J., S. J. Burthe, J. A. Green, M. P. Harris, M. A. Newell, A. Butler, D. G. Johns, E. J. Carnell, S. Wanless and F. Daunt (2017). "From days to decades: short-and long-term variation in environmental conditions affect offspring diet composition of a marine top predator." Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 227-242.
Lawrence, S. A., S. A. Floge, J. E. Davy, S. K. Davy and W. H. Wilson (2017). "Exploratory analysis of Symbiodinium transcriptomes reveals potential latent infection by large dsDNA viruses." Environmental Microbiology.
Lindegren, M., M. Van Deurs, B. R. MacKenzie, L. Worsoe Clausen, A. Christensen and A. Rindorf (2017). "Productivity and recovery of forage fish under climate change and fishing: North Sea sandeel as a case study." Fisheries Oceanography.
Lynam, C. P., M. Llope, C. Möllmann, P. Helaouët, G. A. Bayliss-Brown and N. C. Stenseth (2017). "Interaction between top-down and bottom-up control in marine food webs." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(8): 1952-1957.
Mahadik, G. A., C. Castellani and M. G. *Mazzocchi (2017). "Effect of diatom morphology on the small-scale behavior of the copepod Temora stylifera (Dana, 1849)." Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 493(Supplement C): 41-48.
Manno, C., N. Bednaršek, G. A. Tarling, V. L. Peck, S. Comeau, D. Adhikari, D. C. E. Bakker, E. Bauerfeind, A. J. Bergan, M. I. Berning, E. Buitenhuis, A. K. Burridge, M. Chierici, S. Flöter, A. Fransson, J. Gardner, E. L. Howes, N. Keul, K. Kimoto, P. Kohnert, G. L. Lawson, S. Lischka, A. Maas, L. Mekkes, R. L. Oakes, C. Pebody, K. T. C. A. Peijnenburg, M. Seifert, J. Skinner, P. S. Thibodeau, D. Wall-Palmer and P. Ziveri (2017). "Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high CO2 ocean." Earth-Science Reviews 169: 132-145.
McQuatters-Gollop, A., D. G. Johns, E. Bresnan, J. Skinner, I. Rombouts, R. Stern, A. *Aubert, M. Johansen, J. *Bedford and A. Knights (2017). "From microscope to management: The critical value of plankton taxonomy to marine policy and biodiversity conservation." Marine Policy 83: 1-10.
Meyer-Gutbrod, E. L. and C. H. Greene (2017). "Uncertain recovery of the North Atlantic right whale in a changing ocean." Global Change Biology: 1-10.
Middleton, J. E., J. Martínez Martínez, W. H. Wilson and N. R. Record (2017). "Functional dynamics of Emiliania huxleyi virus‐host interactions across multiple spatial scales." Limnology and Oceanography 62(3): 922-933.
Reuman, D. C., L. Zhao, L. W. Sheppard, P. C. Reid and J. E. Cohen (2017). "Synchrony affects Taylor’s law in theory and data." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 201703593.
Serpetti, N., A. R. Baudron, M. T. Burrows, B. L. Payne, P. Helaouët, P. G. Fernandes and J. J. Heymans (2017). "Impact of ocean warming on sustainable fisheries management informs the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries." Scientific Reports 7(1): 13438.
Sheppard, L. W., P. C. Reid and D. C. Reuman (2017). "Rapid surrogate testing of wavelet coherences." EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 5: 1.
Weynberg, K., M. Allen and W. H. Wilson (2017). "Marine Prasinoviruses and Their Tiny Plankton Hosts: A Review." Viruses 9(3): 43.
Wilson, W. H., I. C. Gilg, M. Moniruzzaman, E. K. Field, S. Koren, G. R. LeCleir, J. M. Martínez, N. J. Poulton, B. K. Swan and R. Stepanauskas (2017). "Genomic exploration of individual giant ocean viruses." The ISME Journal 11: 1736-1745.
Bresnan, E., C. B. Austin, C. J. A. Campos, K. Davidson, M. Edwards, A. Hall, D. Lees, A. Mckinney, S. Milligang and J. Silkeh (2017). Human Health. MCCIP Science Review 2017.
Castellani, C. and M. Edwards (2017). Marine Plankton: A Practical Guide to Ecology, Methodology, and Taxonomy, Oxford University Press.
Costello, M. J., Z. Basher, L. McLeod, I. Assad, S. Claus, F. Hernandez, J. Mees, L. Vandepitte, M. Yasuhara, H. Gislason, M. Edwards, W. Appeltans, H. Enevoldsen, G. Edgar, P. Miloslavich, S. D. Monte and I. S. Pinto (2016). Chapter 7. Methods for the observation of marine biodiversity In: The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks, Springer International Publishing AG.
Cottier-Cook, E. J., C. Beveridge, J. D. D. Bishop, J. Brodie, P. F. Clark, G. Epstein, S. R. Jenkins, D. G. Johns, J. Loxton, A. MacLeod, C. Maggs, D. Minchin, F. Mineur, J. Sewell and C. A. and Wood (2017). Non-native species. MCCIP Science Review 2017: 47-61.
Edwards, M., D. Broughton, R. Camp, G. Graham, P. Helaouët and R. Stern (2017). AtlantOS plankton report: Based on observations from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. SAHFOS Technical Report. 12: 1-15.
Williamson, P., C. Turley and C. Ostle (2017). Ocean acidification. MCCIP Science Review 2017: 47-61.
Wootton, M., A. C. Fischer, C. Ostle, J. Skinner, D. P. Stevens and D. G. Johns (In Press). Using the Continuous Plankton Recorder to Study the Distribution and Ecology of Marine Pelagic Copepods. New York Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
*Blackett, M., C. H. Lucas, K. Cook and P. Licandro (2016). “Occurrence of the siphonophore Muggiaea atlantica in Scottish coastal waters: source or sink?” Journal of Plankton Research.
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Batten, S. D., S. Moffitt, W. S. Pegau and R. Campbell (2016). “Plankton indices explain interannual variability in Prince William Sound herring first year growth.” Fisheries Oceanography 25(4): 420-432.
Beaugrand, G. and R. R. Kirby (2016). “Quasi-deterministic responses of marine species to climate change.” Climate Research 69(2): 117-128.
Brown, C. J., M. I. O’Connor, E. S. Poloczanska, D. S. Schoeman, L. B. Buckley, M. T. Burrows, C. M. Duarte, B. S. Halpern, J. M. Pandolfi, C. Parmesan and A. J. Richardson (2016). “Ecological and methodological drivers of species’ distribution and phenology responses to climate change.” Global Change Biology 22(4): 1548-1560.
Brun, P., T. Kiørboe, P. Licandro and M. R. Payne (2016). “The predictive skill of species distribution models for plankton in a changing climate.” Global Change Biology 22: 3170-3181.
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Constable, A. J., D. P. Costa, O. Schofield, L. Newman, E. R. Urban, E. A. Fulton, J. Melbourne-Thomas, T. Ballerini, P. W. Boyd, A. Brandt, W. K. de la Mare, M. Edwards, M. Eléaume, L. Emmerson, K. Fennel, S. Fielding, H. Griffiths, J. Gutt, M.A. Hindell, E.E. Hofmann, S. Jennings, H. La, A. McCurdy, B.G. Mitchell, T. Moltmann, M. Muelbert, E. Murphy, A.J. Press, B. Raymond, K. Reid, C. Reiss, J. Rice,I. Salter, D.C. Smith, S. Song, C. Southwell, K.M. Swadling, A. Van de Putte, Z. Willis, (2016). “Developing priority variables (“ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables”—eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems.” Journal of Marine Systems 161: 26-41.
*Defriez, E., L. Sheppard, P.C. Reid and D. Reuman (2016). “Climate-change related regime shifts have altered spatial synchrony of plankton dynamics in the North Sea.” Global Change Biology.
Evariste, E., P. Claquin, J.-P. Robin, A. Auber, A. McQuatters-Gollop and J.-C. Dauvin (2016). “The Channel ecosystem, a cross-roads of anthropogenic pressures and scientific studies: Lessons learned from the European INTERREG IV projects (2009–2015).” Marine Policy 63: 158-165.
Friedland, K. D., N. R. Record, R. G. Asch, T. Kristiansen, V. S. Saba, K. F. Drinkwater, S. Henson, R. T. Leaf, R. E. Morse and D. G. Johns (2016). “Seasonal phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic linked to the overwintering strategies of copepods.” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4(1): 000099.
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Hátún, H., K. Lohmann, D. Matei, J. Jungclaus, S. Pacariz, M. Bersch, A. Gislason, J. Ólafsson and P. C. Reid (2016). “An inflated subpolar gyre blows life towards the northeastern Atlantic.” Progress in Oceanography.
Hélaouët, P., G. Beaugrand and G. Reygondeau (2016). “Reliability of spatial and temporal patterns of C. finmarchicus inferred from the CPR survey.” Journal of Marine Systems153: 18-24.
Jansen, T. (2016). “First-year survival of North East Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) from 1998 to 2012 appears to be driven by availability of Calanus, a preferred copepod prey.” Fisheries Oceanography 25(4): 457-469.
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Reid, P. C., R. E. Hari, G. Beaugrand, D. M. Livingstone, C. Marty, D. Straile, J. Barichivich, E. *Goberville, R. Adrian and Y. Aono (2016). “Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift.” Global Change Biology 22(2): 682-703. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13106
*Rivero-Calle, S., C. E. Del Castillo, A. Gnanadesikan, A. Dezfuli, B. Zaitchik and D. G. Johns (2016). “Interdecadal Trichodesmium variability in cold North Atlantic waters.” Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
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Schmidt, K., C. Schlosser, A. Atkinson, S. Fielding, H. J. Venables, C. M. Waluda and E. P. Achterberg (2016). “Zooplankton gut passage mobilizes lithogenic iron for ocean productivity.” Current Biology 26(19): 2667-2673.
Thackeray, S. J., P. A. Henrys, D. Hemming, J. R. Bell, M. S. Botham, S. Burthe, P. Hélaouët, D. G. Johns, I. D. Jones, D. I. Leech, E. B. Mackay, D. Massimino, S. Atkinson, P. J. Bacon, T. M. Brereton, L. Carvalho, T. H. Clutton-Brock, C. Duck, M. Edwards, J. M. Elliott, S. J. G. Hall, R. Harrington, J. W. Pearce-Higgins, T. T. Høye, L. E. B. Kruuk, J. M. Pemberton, T. H. Sparks, P. M. Thompson, I. White, I. J. Winfield and S. Wanless (2016). “Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels.” Nature 535(7611): 241-245.
*Vezzulli, L., C. Grande, P. C. Reid, P. Hélaouët, M. Edwards, M. G. Höfle, I. Brettar, R. R. Colwell and C. Pruzzo (2016). “Climate influence on Vibrio and associated human diseases during the past half-century in the coastal North Atlantic.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 201609157.
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Burthe, S.J., P.A. Henrys, E.B. Mackay, B.M. Spears, R. Campbell, L. Carvalho, B. Dudley, I.D.M. Gunn, D.G. Johns, S.C. Maberly, L. May, M.A. Newell, S. Wanless, I.J. Winfield, S.J. Thackeray, and F. Daunt. “Do Early Warning Indicators Consistently Predict Nonlinear Change in Long-Term Ecological Data?”. Journal of Applied Ecology (2015).
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Conversi, A., V. Dakos, A. Gårdmark, S. Ling, C. Folke, P.J. Mumby, C. Greene, M. Edwards, T. Blenckner, M. Casini, A. Pershing, and C. Möllmann. A Holistic View of Marine Regime Shifts. no. 370, 2015. Journal Article.
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Harrison, P., A. Zingone, M. Mickelson, S. Lehtinen, N. Ramaiah, A. Kraberg, J. Sun, A. McQuatters-Gollop, and H. Jakobsen. “Cell Volumes of Marine Phytoplankton from Globally Distributed Coastal Data Sets.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2015).
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Licandro, P., M. Blackett*, A. Fischer, A. Hosia, J. Kennedy, R.R. Kirby, K. Raab, R. Stern, and P. Tranter. “Biogeography of Jellyfish in the North Atlantic, by Traditional and Genomic Methods.” Earth System Science. Data 7, no. 2 (2015).
Hänninen, J., I. Vuorinen, M. Rajasilta, and P.C. Reid. “Response of the Baltic and North Seas to River Runoff from the Baltic Watershed – Physical and Biological Changes.” Progress in Oceanography 138, Part A (2015).
McManus, M.C., P. Licandro, and S.H. Coombs. “Is the Russell Cycle a True Cycle? Multidecadal Zooplankton and Climate Trends in the Western English Channel.” ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil (2015).
McQuatters-Gollop, A., M. Edwards, P. Helaouët, D.G. Johns, N.J. Owens, D.E. Raitsos, D. Schroeder, J. Skinner, and R.F. Ster. “The Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey: How Can Long-Term Phytoplankton Datasets Contribute to the Assessment of Good Environmental Status?” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2015).
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Möllmann, C., C. Folke, M. Edwards, and A. Conversi. “Marine Regime Shifts around the Globe: Theory, Drivers and Impacts.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370, no. 1659 (2015).
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Reid, P.C., R.E. Hari, G. Beaugrand*, D.M. Livingstone, C. Marty, D. Straile, J. Barichivich, E. Goberville, R. Adrian, Y. Aono, R. Brown, J. Foster, P. Groisman, P. Hélaouët, H.-H. Hsu, R. Kirby, J. Knight, *A. Kraberg, J. Li, T.-T. Lo, R.B. Myneni, R.P. North, J.A. Pounds, T. Sparks, R. Stübi, Y. Tian, K.H. Wiltshire, D. Xiao, and Z. Zhu. “Global Impacts of the 1980s Regime Shift.” Global Change Biology (2015).
*Rivero-Calle, S., A. Gnanadesikan, C.E. Del Castillo, W.M. Balch, and S.D. Guikema. “Multidecadal Increase in North Atlantic Coccolithophores and the Potential Role of Rising CO2.” Science 350, no. 6267 (2015).
Stern, R.F., K.T. Picard, K.M. Hamilton, A. Walne, G.A. Tarran, D. Mills, A. McQuatters-Gollop, and M. Edwards. “Novel Lineage Patterns from an Automated Water Sampler to Probe Marine Microbial Biodiversity with Ships of Opportunity.” Progress in Oceanography 137, Part B (2015).
Wilson, R.J., D.C. Speirs, and M.R. Heath. “On the Surprising Lack of Differences between Two Congeneric Calanoid Copepod Species, Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus.” Progress in Oceanography 134 (2015).
Wouters, N., V. Dakos, M. Edwards, M. Serafim, P. Valayer, and H. Cabral. “Evidencing a Regime Shift in the North Sea Using Early-Warning Signals as Indicators of Critical Transitions.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 152 (2015).
Yoshiki, T.M., S. Chiba, Y. Sasaki, H. Sugisaki, T. Ichikawa, and S. Batten. “Northerly Shift of Warm-Water Copepods in the Western Subarctic North Pacific: Continuous Plankton Recorder Samples (2001–2013).” Fisheries Oceanography (2015).
Zingone, A., P.J. Harrison, *A. Kraberg, S. Lehtinen, A. McQuatters-Gollop, T. O’Brien, J. Sun, and H.H. Jakobsen. “Increasing the Quality, Comparability and Accessibility of Phytoplankton Species Composition Time-Series Data.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2015).
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*Harris, V., Edwards, M., & Olhede, S. C. (2014). Multidecadal Atlantic climate variability and its impact on marine pelagic communities. Journal of Marine Systems, 133, 55-69.
Hickman, A. E., Postlethwaite, C. F., Woodworth, P. L., McQuatters-Gollop, A., & Bryden, H. L. (2014). Theme issue: A Prospectus for UK Marine Sustained Observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372(2025).
*Hinder, S. L., Gravenor, M. B., Edwards, M., *Ostle, C., Bodger, O. G., Lee, P. L. M., & Hays, G. C. (2014). Multi-decadal range changes vs. thermal adaptation for north east Atlantic oceanic copepods in the face of climate change. Global Change Biology, 20(1), 140-146. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12387
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Scherer, C., Gowen, R.J., Tett, P., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Forster, R., Bresnan, E., Cook, K., Atkinson, A., Best, M., Baptie, M., Keeble, S., McCullough, G. and McKinney, A., 2014. Finalising and implementing the development of plankton indicators and targets: Operationalising the Lifeform and State Space Method. Workshop report to Defra, Agri-food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast, 32 pp.
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Alheit, J., Licandro, P., Coombs, S., Garcia, A., Giráldez, A., Santamaría, M. T. G. and Tsikliras, A. C. 2013. Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) modulates dynamics of small pelagic fishes and ecosystem regime shifts in the eastern North and Central Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems
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Bicknell, A.W.J., Knight, M.E., Bilton, D.T., Campbell, M., Reid, J.B., Newton, J. and Votier, S.C., 2013. Intercolony movement of pre-breeding seabirds over oceanic scales: implications of cryptic age-classes for conservation and metapopulation dynamics. Diversity and Distributions: 1-9. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12137.
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Lauria, V., Attrill, M.J., Brown, A., Edwards, M. and Votier, S.C., 2013. Regional variation in the impact of climate change: evidence that bottom-up regulation from plankton to seabirds is weak in parts of the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 488: 11-22. DOI: 10.3354/meps10401.
Lynam, C.P., Halliday, N.C., Höffle, H., Wright, P.J., van Damme, C.J.G., Edwards, M. and Pitois, S.G., 2013. Spatial patterns and trends in abundance of larval sandeels in the North Sea: 1950-2005. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Online. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fst006.
Mills, K.E., Pershing, A.J., Sheehan, T.F. and Mountain, D., 2013. Climate and ecosystem linkages explain widespread declines in North American Atlantic salmon populations. Global Change Biology, 19: 3046-3061. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12298.
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Owens, N.J.P., Hosie, G.W., Batten, S.D., Edwards, M., Johns, D.G. and *Beaugrand. G., 2013. All plankton sampling systems underestimate abundance: Response to "Continuous plankton recorder underestimates zooplankton abundance" by J.W. Dippner and M. Krause. Journal of Marine Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.05.003.
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*Raitsos D.E., Walne A., Lavender S.J, Licandro P., Reid P.C and Edwards M., 2013. A 60-year ocean colour data set from the continuous plankton recorder. Journal of Plankton Research, 35: 158-164. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbs079.
*Raitsos, D., E., Pradhan, Y. Lavender, S., J. Hoteit, I. McQuatters-Gollop., A. Reid, P., C., *Richardson, A., J. 2013. From silk to satellite: half a century of ocean colour anomalies in the Northeast Atlantic. Global Change Biology
Rees, S., Fletcher, S., Glegg, G., *Marshall, C., Rodwell, L., Jefferson, R., Campbell, M., Langmead, O., Ashley, M., Bloomfield, H., Brutto, D., Colenutt, A., *Conversi, A., Earll, B., Hamid, I.A., Hattam, C., Ingram, S., McKinley, E., Mee, L., Oates, J., Peckett, F., Portus, J., Reed, M., Rogers, S., Saunders, J., Scales, K. and *Wynn, R., 2013. Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom. Marine Policy, 38: 531-537. DOI.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2012.09.002.
Rombouts, I., *Beaugrand, G., Fizzala, X., Gaill, F., Greenstreet, S.P.R., Lamare, S., Le Loc'h, F., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mialet, B., Niquil, N., Percelay, J., Renaud, F., Rossberg, A.G. and Féral, J.P., 2013. Food web indicators under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: From complexity to simplicity? Ecological Indicators, 29: 246-254. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.12.021.
Stocker, D. Q. 2013. Climate change 2013: the physical science basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Summary for Policymakers, IPCC. (SAHFOS was part of working group that put together this report).
Tett, P., Gowen, R. J., Painting, S. J., Elliott, M., Forster, R., Mills, D. K Bresnan, E., Capuzzo, E., Fernandes, T., F., Foden, J., Geider, R., J., Gilpin, L.,C., Huxham, M., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Malcolm, S., J., Saux-Picart, S., Platt, T., Racault, M.-F., Sathyendranath, S., van der Molen, J & Wilkinson, M. 2013. Framework for understanding marine ecosystem health. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 494, 1-27.